5th December – Farm Street Carol Service
The Stonyhurst Choir will be performing in Farm Street Church, London, W1K 3AH, on Thursday 5th December 2019 at 7:30pm-9:00pm. The Headmaster John Browne, warmly invites parents, prospective parents, OS and other friends of Stonyhurst to this Christmas carol service. If you plan to attend please click on the link below.
10th December – Association Carol Service in St Peter’s, Stonyhurst
All are invited to attend this Carol Service which starts at 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th December. Christmas cake and mulled wine will be served in the Top Ref afterwards. For catering purposes it would be helpful if you would let the Association Office know if you plan to attend.
11th December – Sloane Square Carols, London
The OS Carol Singing in London will take place on Wednesday 11th December at 6.30pm outside Sloane Square tube station, followed by drinks at The Antelope. All monies raised will be donated to the Stonyhurst Pilgrimage Trust. If you can play an instrument or sing, and you plan to come along do contact Henrietta Lenahan on WhatsApp or call 07712 212022 or email hlenahan@datto.com
Stonyhurst Christmas cards
This year’s cards are images taken from the Collections. The first is a stained glass window in the Sodality Chapel and the second a painting by Allegretto Nuzzi, which is the oldest artwork listed in the Catalogue of Stonyhurst Paintings. Printed on high quality card and sold in packs of 10, these are beautiful cards and all profit made supports the Stonyhurst Children’s Holiday Week.
Please click the link for the order form: